12. Stairs and storage
In the wagon there is actually quite a lot of storage space, under the double bed is a large area where suitcases or larger items can live and on top of that I built a storage seating/bench with hinged lid in the living space and a set of shelving which could be good for clothing.
I made my steps from an old scaffolding board and have used a very simple design that consist of two stringers with 45 degree cut ends and then steps which are attached with timber screws and sit on wooden supports. I will stain these and put grip tape on each step to make them a little safer in wet weather.
I used a reclaimed scaffolding board for the steps because they are made of tough stuff and should with-hold a lot of future use.
Storage in such a small space was important to think about.
Although it is a small space i still wanted there to be enough places to put things, clothing/ extra bedding/ pots and pans…