5. The windows
Up until this part of my life I have never made window frames before. So the first step was ALOT of research and then trial and error. I now own a router, a miter saw and a table saw just to get these frames made. I’ve re-made all 5 of the mollycroft windows as well as the two existing side windows and two new ones for the “kitchen” area. This was fun/stressful/confusing/ emotional and over all very interesting.
After finally getting all the window frames all made up I gave them a coat of primer and fitted them into their allocated vacant holes in the wagon. I then added in their new glazing, which was very satisfying as this means that the wagon is almost water tight.

Mollycroft windows
This video just shows the window frames i made for the wagons mollycroft roof, there are 5 of them.
They are made using mortise and tenon joints which once made up i have routed the inner edge for a better finish.
Window dry fit
After cutting all the window frame pieces and making all the joints this is me putting them all together to see if they work.
It was a very satisfying moment, after this i added the glazing and then glued and screwed the frames together (there are two this size).