2. Metal work
My gawd this is a thankless task!
This wagon is a 1920’s gypsy vardo wagon. So there’s around 100 years of life, wear and tear. The metal work has seen better days and so that it lasts another 100 years (hopefully) i’ve spent the last three weeks scraping and smashing off layers and layers of paint in a plethora of colours. (I managed to wrangle two friends in to help for bits, thank you so much Gemma and Alex) It’s so interesting to scratch back though the years and the different lives it’s had. It’s also a gross, dirty and time consuming job. Lots of lying there in all the weather and removing paint from above you (not fun).
Once the paint was all removed I treated the metal work (which didn’t look to bad) with rust converter just as a precaution and then re-painted the whole this with special metal paint. It looks so lovely and fresh and loved, which was satisfying.